
Harvey Thompson, M.D. "Killer Fags"

One-third of American adults smoke, and most of them wish they didn't.

According to the World Health Organization, smoking is the largest single preventable cause of bad health in the world. Each cigaret shortens your life by six minutes; the oneand two-pack-a-day smoker knocks off four or eight years of life, respectively. 1983 will be the first year that lung cancer exceeds breast cancer as the number one killer of women. You've come a long way baby.

It's said that if smokers could more easily see on the outside what smoking was doing to their insides, they'd quit. For example, if the results were worn on the skin, there would be blisters, cancers, ulcers, huge black spots, and collections of foul-smelling pus. But for the most part, this damage is hidden inside blood vessels, coronaries, and lungs.

Except for wrinkles. Gays and lesbians would protect both skin and vanity if they stopped smoking. There are striking photographes that demonstrate how smoking causes premature wrinkling. A 50-year-old smokers skin can look 15 to 20 years older.

It's becoming increasingly socially unacceptable to smoke. Smoking is unpleasant to be around. It's no longer considered sexy, and often creates a more negative than positive image of a person. Smokers boarding planes find the no-smoking sign stuck further and further back; pretty soon the smoking section will be out on the wing!

A recent movie called "Death in the West" (suppressed by the tobacco industry) shows former Marlboro men now standing not so tall in the saddle with half their necks and jaws gone from head and neck cancer. Or, those macho men may now carry an oxygen pack with them instead of the cigarets that gave them emphysema.

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If there were a medicine as dangerous as cigarets, it would be taken off the market. It's surprising that the MOST dangerous product in the United States is the only one not regulated by some government agency,

Over 2,000 chemicals are created in a burning cigaret. In fact, some chemicals are added just to keep the cigaret burning longer. It seems as if one right of a non-smoker would be not to be burned to death by the forgotten--but still burning-cigaret on his neighbor's furniture. There may soon be a law requiring all furniture to be fire-resistant to a smoldering cigaret for at least ten minutes, yet why should nonsmokers pay this cost when a selfextinguishing cigaret is a safer and less expensive answer?

The tobacco industry is no help at all. It spends over $1 billion each year to make sure that you continue smoking. The next time you see a tobacco billboard, notice how they've connected cigarets with enjoyment, sexiness, and clean -but "foxy" -living. Recent memos from the industry seem to indicate that it wishes to connect smoking with pot, wine, beer, sex, etc., to make cigarets attractive to young minds as an "illicit" but seductive introduction to the adult world.


So, why don't smokers just Quit? Because it's not easy. Only 10% of smokers who try are successful, a worse rate than for junkies who try to kick heroin. But progress is being made. 30 million Americans have quit smoking. Only 3-5% of medical students smoke these days; no physician would dare light up in front of his non-smoking colleagues. How do you Quit? Cold Turkey. Don't make a New Years Resolution: "I'll never smoke again." You're setting yourself up for a big failure if you do. And you'll wind up with lower self-esteem and more disgust with yourself. Instead, try




something more positive, such as "I choose not to smoke." Use Alcoholics Anonymous tactics: One day at a time. Smokers harassed into quitting rarely succeed. So, start your own list of reasons, and prepare for "Q"(quitting) Day.

An excellent low-cost anti-smoking clinic that's widely available is the Five-Day Plan, which is celebrating it's 20th anniversary with over 14 million quitters. Cost is $25 for five sensible nights of lectures, support groups, booklets, psychology, scare tactics and cajolery. Like AA, they have maintainance support groups to prevent backsliding.

Don't be afraid to suffer a littleit may not be as bad as you expect. Many are surprised at how easy it is. On the other hand, if there were a simple way to stop, there would be no smokers because they'd all quit. If you don't believe me, check it out; ask them yourself.

Early this year, nicotine gum will go on the market, which will make it easier to kick the habit. In.creasingly, it appears that the nicotine fix is one of the more addictive aspects of smoking, and perhaps this product will alleviate some of the craving during withdrawal.

Many smokers quit, but only temporarily. One common denominator in their lighting up again seems to be a first puff at a cocktail party. Alcohol seems to be a natural lubricant for backsliding. If you've quit, stay away from those dangerous situations. In fact, stay away from your old sacking and drinking cronies during your early withdrawal. Remember, you were addicted to nicotine. You were a tobacco junkie. And, like alcoholics, once you've cuit, you've got to stay on the


Never flirt with tobacco. Once you puff, you're a smoker again.

(c) Stonewall Features Syndicate '92


I just saw E.T.







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